📞 +1 778 997 3671
🇨🇦 Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Web Development
- Web Crawler
- Cybersecurity
- Python, PHP, Java, C#, Swift
- Databases
Fengwei Wang
Full Stack Programmer
Hi there! I’m a full-stack programmer from China, and I have been working as a DevOps in the industry for many years, starting in 2012. Now, I have moved to Vancouver, Canada.
I’ve always been fascinated with web development and enjoy building websites and apps that solve real-world problems. In my free time, I like to stay up-to-date with the latest programming trends and technologies, engage in some interesting open-source projects, or do some outsourcing projects.
I’m skilled in Python, PHP, Java, Swift, and C# languages, and I have some experience with Laravel, Codeigniter, Spring MVC, .NET, Django, and Qt frameworks.
I have a great ability to learn new things and solve problems.
Professional Experience
Sep 2023 –
Aug 2012
DevOps Engineer | Civil Aviation Administration of China
- Operate various inner systems (Linux, AIX, Windows Server)
- Maintain varied databases (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL)
- Maintain and develop some inner websites (mainly using .NET frameworks)
- Develop some client programs and automation scripts (mainly using Python and Qt)
Sep 2023 –
Mar 2023
TransferDog | Open-source
- A cross-platform file transfer application written in Python with Qt
- Supporting local files, FTP, FTPS, and SFTP servers
- Project URL: https://github.com/funway/TransferDog
Apr 2021 –
Jul 2020
Countdown App | Open-source
- A countdown task App on macOS, written in Swift language
- Project URL: https://github.com/funway/Countdown
Jan 2017 –
Apr 2017
Patent Crawler | Outsourcing
- A Python + Selenium web crawler to gather patent info from cnipa.gov.cn
Dec 2016 –
Apr 2016
HTTP(s) Proxy System | Personal
- The backend server is based on Squid and assists with Python and Redis
- The front website is based on Java, Spring MVC
- Closed due to regulations from the authority
- Some open-source code: https://github.com/funway/squid-helper
Mar 2024-
Master of Science | New York Institute of Technology, Vancouver, Canada
Major: Cybersecurity
Jun 2012 –
Sep 2009
Master of Engineering | Sun Yat-sen University, China
Major: Computer Applications Technology
Jun 2009 –
Sep 2005
Bachelor | Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Major: Computer Science
Dec 2019
CISP-PTE | Certified Information Security Professional – Penetration Test Engineer
- Issued by: China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center
- Credential ID: CNITSEC2019CISP-PTE08056